What kind of experience will my child have at Bloom?

At Bloom Learning Community, our mantra is “Space to grow, freedom to flourish, body + heart + mind.” This means that our attentive staff will support each child’s unique learning path by putting their interests, learning style, and values at the forefront to ensure a truly “learner-centered” experience.

Each child will have a learning journey that is personalized to them. They’ll have “space to grow” by setting their own pace in a compassionate, multi-age learning environment; they’ll have “freedom to flourish” by consciously engaging in learning that is meaningful for them; and they’ll do this “body + heart + mind” through holistic learning approaches set forth by Rainbow Institute’s Seven Domains of Learning.

Bloom also utilizes Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a matter of policy to not only help children solve conflicts, but to foster a compassionate learning atmosphere and create the following additional benefits for children:

  • Increased empathy

  • Deeper self-awareness and understanding

  • Expanded self-confidence

  • Greater self-direction

  • Lower anxiety

  • Increased self-responsibility

  • Greater ability to work cooperatively

  • Unconditional acceptance of self and others

“I’ve always thought children should be first educated in the basics of common decency and kindness. Something our world is sorely lacking. Reading, writing, math and science mean nothing without a whole being to bring them to life.”

-A Bloom Parent

Who is Bloom for?

Bloom is for families looking for a progressive educational option that thoughtfully prepares children for the 21st century. The Bloom Experience is ideal for:

  • Passionate, curious learners

  • Those looking for a positive and peaceful learning environment

  • Creative thinkers and dreamers

  • Those that value childhood, play, experimentation, and fun

  • Families who desire a high-quality, hands-on, customized education

  • Kids who enjoy exploring their strengths and interests at their own pace

  • Children looking to socialize while participating in a culture of kindness that builds lasting friendships

  • Families who feel time in nature is essential

  • Compassionate problem-solvers and change-makers

  • Open-minded and flexible thinkers

  • Those looking to create more hope in the world

  • Those with the desire to make unique and new choices and be on the forefront of change

If this sounds like you and you’re looking for new alternatives and freedom from traditional school models, then Bloom may be just the right fit for your family.

“Bloom is exactly what we were looking for.”

-A Bloom Parent

Are kids assigned homework or grades?

No, we do not assign compulsory homework nor do we use grades to gauge student progress. Whether or not additional learning is completed at home will be at the discretion of the student and any collaborators on group projects.

Instead of homework, we encourage families to spend time together reading, being outdoors, following interests, playing and sharing other memorable experiences together in an effort to build deeper connections with each other and the world.


How is student progress measured?

Learners will practice constructing, demonstrating, and communicating learning in meaningful ways, and progress will be measured individually through ongoing observation and self-reflection. Individual strengths and challenges, as well as step-by-step plans on how we’ll address them at Bloom, are observed and shared with parents

Learners may also build a personal portfolio that contains work samples (video of a completed project, a written interview, a book review mind map, photos of artwork, pages showcasing new math skills), items of self-reflection (written, recorded audio or video, narrated, drawn), as well as staff narratives based on thoughtful observation and personal interactions, shared with parents during meetings.

Where are you located?

Our beautiful space is located at 48 Front Street - the second floor of a historical building in charming downtown Berea. We have multiple areas with flexible arrangements where children can create, learn, play, and collaborate with friends.

This location is centrally located to many cities in the Cleveland area, and is readily accessible from I-71, I-480 and the Turnpike.

In this location, Bloom members have easy access to Coe Lake Park and playgrounds, the library, Baldwin Wallace University, local businesses, the Metroparks, and the senior center.

We walk to the park and playground daily, and plan to utilize all locations within our area for frequent field trips and service learning opportunities.

“I like the building, nature days, the park and playground.”

-Bloom Member, age 11

Stay up-to-date by liking and following Bloom on these channels:

Can you accommodate students with special needs?

While Bloom makes every effort to accommodate many unique student needs, as a small school at this time Bloom is not equipped to serve students with severe emotional, physical, learning, or behavioral challenges. We will determine our ability to serve students on an individual basis.

What is a typical day like?

During the week certain days will hold special treats - like guest visitors sharing an interesting class or an afternoon in nature. But overall, the following schedule describes the typical flow of a day at Bloom:

8:45 - 9:00

Arrival + Free Time: Flexible arrival time makes for calmer mornings! Children arrive and sign in. Belongings are put away and the children have free social time to play and reconnect with friends, explore materials, opportunities to ask questions to learning guides, and time to prepare for the day.

9:00 - 9:45

Project Work: Learners develop and design ongoing clubs and projects based on current interests and passions. Guides assist learners as they: brainstorm, contemplate and select an idea, form a driving question, specify resources, outline a plan, take ongoing action, share, revise, and reflect on their work. The ways this can occur are endless - making a video, writing a story, acting it out, participating in a science experiment, creating art, learning a new skill, engineering new gadgets, building public awareness, or engaging in service to others - just to name a few examples.

Watch a video Bloom members made in June 2021 about their Lemonade Stand Project here!

9:45 - 10:00

Centering Circle: Intentionally coming together on common ground as they do at Rainbow Community School to “awaken the spiritual center, opening the pathways to learning.” The activities will vary, but can include music, yoga, meditation, mindful breathing, inner reflection, brain warm-ups, and social emotional components.

10:00 - 12:00

Learning Activities: Each morning children cycle through center-based small group activities in math and language arts. Each center includes a variety of choices, including academic games, flashcards, computers, and written work, to suit individual preferences and abilities. Small group instruction focuses on guiding learners to develop and build on formative skills in math, reading, and writing. Individual work towards personal learning goals is encouraged.

12:00 - 2:00

Lunch and Free Time: Lunch is a fun and social experience at Bloom. We eat outside as much as the weather allows. Unstructured outdoor time with friends in nature at Mucklo Playground, Coe Lake park, the Music Mound, or Mill Stream Run Reservation is an invaluable type of holistic learning.

2:00 - 2:40

Art/Science/Social Studies/NVC: On a rotating basis, afternoons at Bloom are spent diving into the children’s current interests in science - with lots of hands-on experiments, creative exploration in a variety of art projects, research and writing about social/cultural studies, or social-emotional/Nonviolent Communication learning games and role-plays. Other activities may include guest teachers in areas like music, snap circuits, history, etc.

2:40 - 2:50

Clean Up: All students and staff work together to complete all cleaning tasks and take care of our shared learning space.


Closing Circle: Brings us together as a large group again. We will retell the “story” of our day together as we re-center and focus within during a brief guided reflection meditation. Children may each have an opportunity to share feelings, appreciations, ideas, reflections, questions, new insights, and suggestions for tomorrow before we say good-bye for today.


Departure: Children are dismissed to walk or bike home, or be picked up by parents. 

“I like EVERYTHING about Bloom! I feel the happiest all day!”

-Bloom Member, age 8

How will students stay on task in a self-directed environment?

At the heart of Bloom is the learner.

Because we are a learner-centered microschool, we trust learners with their own learning journey. The responsibility for learning is gifted back to the child. When children are free to choose their own path, passion and interest keep them intrinsically motivated and moving forward at their chosen pace.

Children at Bloom will increasingly practice:

  • setting personalized and meaningful learning goals

  • participating in interesting learning activities and projects to actively construct their own knowledge and new skills

  • finding their personal pace and rhythm

  • overcoming obstacles and learning from mistakes

  • regularly self-monitoring progress

  • partaking in reflection and revision processes

  • celebrating each success!

We expect natural cycles and rhythms of activity and learning to evolve within each individual. The steps above are an essential aspect of life, and we believe it is liberating to invite children into this process for themselves.

If learners decide to step away from their learning path from time to time, we support their needs to regulate themselves. Studies find that taking regular breaks enhances meaningful learning. Unlike some traditional school settings, staff at Bloom do not use coercion to keep students working at a specific pace or on a particular activity.

Bloom learning guides are always available to troubleshoot challenges and obstacles, and will assist learners to keep going when they want to, and support them to find ways to rebalance by stepping away to partake in restorative practices (movement, fresh air, a rest, music) when they need to.

“There are nice people at Bloom. Nice teachers. I like seeing the teachers and my friends.”

-Bloom Member, age 7

What is a learning community? How can families participate?

A learning community is a group that shares a lifelong love of learning. At Bloom, parents and caregivers are an essential part of our daily community! Our community is strengthened and enriched by the combination of unique differences and shared communal values. Our intent is for all members of our community to feel welcomed, appreciated, and supported, and to offer this energy back to the community.

Here are some of the many ways families can participate in our learning community:

  • volunteering with both special and day-to-day activities at Bloom

  • share interests and knowledge (speakers and guests will be arranged on a regular basis)

  • join in special events and celebrations

  • help with organizing and planning events and field trips

  • participating in parent meetings and conferences with Bloom staff

  • assist Bloom’s fundraising efforts

  • expand our learning community by sharing info about Bloom online and with word-of-mouth endorsements to family and friends

“Bloom ticks pretty much all of the boxes for what we wanted as a homeschool family. I am so excited at the idea of my children getting an opportunity to learn with other children while also continuing our homeschool journey.”

-A Bloom Parent

Other questions?

We’re here to answer!